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Q: Arteries and veins are examples of blood?
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Name three blood vessels?

the three blood vessels are the Veins capillaries Arteries the arteries.

What do arteries and veins drain?

Arteries drain (pump blood) into veins. Veins drain into your lungs and heart to be re-oxygenated. (This is not true for veins and arteries to and from your lungs.)

What is the difference between the blood in the arteries and the blood in the veins?

Veins do not pulsate Arteries pulsate Veins can easily collapse Arteries do not collapse (except in shock) Veins contain valves Blood pressure is low in the veins and higher in the arteries

What are the kinds of blood vessels?

Capillaries, arteries, and veins are the kinds of blood vessels.

What does the blood travel through?

arteries and veins

Is it blood that runs in veins?

It is not true. Blood is also runs in arteries. Arteries take the blood throughout your body and veins take the blood back to your heart.

What returns blood the veins or the arteries?

The veins.

What two ways are veins structurally different from arteries?

blood travels away from the heart through arteries and blood travels to the heart through the veins

What is the major difference between arteries and veins?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins return blood to the heart.

Name the 3 type of blood vessels in the body?

The 3 types of blood vessels are: 1. veins, which carry blood to the heart; 2. capillaries, which connect veins and arteries, and 3. arteries, which carry blood away from the heart.

How does the direction blood travels in arteries and veins differ?

the blood in the arteries in oxygenated and is flowing away from the heart throughout the body tyo give your cells oxygen. the blood in the veins has had its oxygen depleted by your cells and is travelling back to the heart and lungs to get more oxygen

What are 5 different blood vessels in your arms?

Generally, arteries, veins and capillaries. In the arm, some examples would be the axillar, brachial, radial and ulnar arteries. Veins could include the cephalic and median cubital veins.