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Yale School of Drama

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Q: At what drama school did Sigourney Weaver appear in a play called The Frogs which was stagged in a swimming pool?
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What is Sigourney Weaver name in The Great Gatsby?

Sigourney Weaver does not appear in "The Great Gatsby." The main characters in "The Great Gatsby" are Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Nick Carraway.

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Annie hall yo...weaver and goldblum have really small parts..."i forgot my mantra"

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No, Tom Hanks does not appear in the film Galaxy Quest. The film stars Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman.

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1892 with Weaver

What drame school did Sigourmey Weaver appear in a play called The Frogs?

Yale Drama School

How do fish appear in ground water during swimming pool construction?

The fish appear quite large.

How would you floor of the swimming pool appear from the top of the pool?

same as the bottom

Who killed Rodney king?

It does not at the moment appear to be a murder. He was dead in his swimming pool.

Why does the phrase swimming IN the beach appear 628000 times on Google when the English expression is swimming AT the beach?

Because America's English is decreasing in intelligence

How would the floor of the swimming pool appear from the top of the pool?

Haisam? . Iowa tan? Tha

Who invented swimming and who invented the four strokes?

Nikolaus Wynmann, a German professor of languages, wrote the first swimming book but swimming has been around since the late prehistoric years, when humans first started to appear.

Why do maggots suddenly appear in swimming pools?

Probably not maggots but mosquito larva. Need to keep your chlorine in check.