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The atomic spectra of an element is basically the lines of color that appear when an electron jumps down or up an energy level. Depending on the shells that an electron jumps is the intensity or the color omitted. The colors that we see (yellow, orange, red, green, blue, purple) mean different level jumps with purple being the highest and yellow being the lowest. The higher the energy level the lower the wavelength omitted and the lower the energy jump the higher the wavelength.

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Q: Atomic spectra and electron energy levels?
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What do electrons do in Bohr's model of atoms?

In Bohr's atomic model, electrons are in specific orbitals (NOT orbits), which are at specific energy levels. An electron can go directly from one orbital to another, but it can never be in-between any two orbitals. The energy level of these orbitals is specified by angular momentum being quantized.

What element has 2 electron energy levels and 4 electrons available for bonding in the outermost energy level?

The element carbon

How many protons are there in an atom of argon?

Argon's atomic number is 18. thus, it has 18 protons and 18 electrons. Filling in the first 18 electron orbitals gives the configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6. Thus, argon has 3 electron energy levels.

What happens to an electron during a quantum leap?

In physics, a quantum leap or jump is the change of an electron from one energy state to another within an atom. It is discontinuous; electrons jump from one energy level to another instantaneously, with no intervening or intermediary condition. The phenomenon contradicts classical theories, which expect energy levels to be continuous. Quantum leaps are the sole cause of the emission of electromagnetic radiation, including light, which occurs in the form of quantized units called photons. Ironically, when laymen use the term colloquially, they use it to describe large jumps in progress, when in reality a quantum leap is a very small change of state.

How many electron levels in gold?

Gold is in period 6, so it has six main levels.

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Can atomic spectra be explained on the basis of quantum mechanics?

Atomic spectrum is a spectrum of radiation caused by electron transitions of energy levels within an atom. This is determined by E=h*f

According to atomic theory electrons are usually found?

in the energy levels. energy levels are in the electron cloud.

What determines an elements emission spectrum?

The electron energy levels.

Tiny atomic particle with little mass and a negative electrical charge that surrounds the nucleus in energy levels?

The electron,

What trend in atomic radius occurs going down on the periodic table and why?

Atomic radii increases moving down a group in the Periodic Table due to the increasing energy levels in the electron configuration and electrons filling in energy levels further away from the nucleus.

What trend in atomic radius occurs down a group in the periodic table?

Atomic radii increases moving down a group in the Periodic Table due to the increasing energy levels in the electron configuration and electrons filling in energy levels further away from the nucleus.

Are electrons located in energy levels or electron cloud?

Electrons are located in energy levels within the electron cloud.

What is the explanation for the discrete lines in atomic emissions spectra?

e- absorb energy and move to an orbital of higher energy. Falls back down to lower energylevels releasing the energy. The lines result from the fact that e-'s can only have discrete/quantized energy levels, they cannot have intermediate energy levels.

How are electrons arranged in the atom?

Electrons are arranged around the atomic nucleus forming the electron clouds.

What are energy levels?

Electron shells.

What causes spectra lines?

Absorption of energy at atom energy levels cause the line spectrum.

What is the charge of an electron and were is it located in an atom?

The charge on an electron is negative (it's -1), and electrons in an atom are found in orbitals (or Fermi energy levels) in the electron cloud far from the nucleus.