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Possibly you're thinking of Gaudi's unfinished Sagrada Familia?

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Q: Barcelona Church the one resembling a big melting candle?
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How fast does a candle burn?

It depends on what kind of wax that the candle is made out of

What are facts about candle making?

Candle making facts are people enjoy the process of personalizing the candle. You must be neat about it. And there is a certain way to place the wick for best burning.

How do you make old candles look new?

Select a product (a candle you want to repair).Plug the candle warmer in the socket and turn it on.Place the candle in a jar if not all ready in one.Place candle on the candle warmer hot plate.Allow time for the old candle to completely melt.Once the candle has melted dip the new wick into the melted wax.Allow to dry.Dip again..Allow to dryMake sure, the wick is well coated.Place the wick into the empty jar.Pour the wax from its jar to the jar that contains the wick.Take old wick out of old jar.Allow to dry and harden.If the candle does not look like a sufficient amount fell free to wait until you have another candle melt it and pour the melted wax on to of the newly create candle from step 15. Once you feel the candle has meet its potential to be new place it in a safe area.Take a lighter and light the candle.Enjoy its fragrance.

Who painted the candle vendors?

Angelito Antonio Postcard

What is the difference in beeswax candles and a regular candle?

Assuming that you mean paraffin wax as the regular, the major difference would be that paraffin wax is not a renewable resource. It is made from refined petroleum, whereas bees wax is made from bees. It is biodegradable and is a softer wax which can be rolled into candles without melting.

Related questions

Who designed Barcelona's famous church that looks like a melting candle?

antoni gaudi

Which famous architeckt designed Barcelona's Sagrada Familia church the one that resembles a big melting candle?

It was Antoni Gaudí, a Spanish Catalan architect who belonged to the Modernist style (Art Nouveau) movement and was famous for his unique and highly individualistic designs.

A melting candle demonstrates which reaction?

A melting candle demonstrates physical reaction.

What is the melting point of candle?

The melting point of the candle is 47 Celsius.

Is a candle an example of sublimation?

A candle is an example of melting and burning.

Is candle wax melting physical property?

Melting candle wax is a chemical change. Why? Because when you cook or burn candle wax it melts so it is a chemical change.

What is the difference between melting of candle wax and burning of candle?

Burning a candle is the process in which the wick is burnt. The wax is there to make the wick burn slower in order to let the candle burn for longer. Melting wax is part of the process but not burning the candle itself.

Is candle melting physical or chemical?


What is the melting candle wax that is dripping down the side of the candle an example?

Physical change.

Is candle wax a physical property?

Candle wax are generally organic compounds. melting of candle wax is a physical property

Is melting wax physical property?

Melting candle wax is a chemical change. Why? Because when you cook or burn candle wax it melts so it is a chemical change.

What happens when melting candle wax?

it will go into space