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Luther was an academic, he studied theology, philosophy and law. When he was about 25 he became a priest.

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Q: Before Luther critized the catholic church how did he make his living?
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What did Martin Luther train as?

He was a Catholic priest before he broke from the church.

Why was the Catholic Church threatened by Martin Luther?

.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was never "threatened" by Martin Luther.

What is name of church Luther attacked?

.Catholic AnswerThe Church was, and is, the Catholic Church.

How did Luther make his living when he criticized the catholic church?

Luther was a Catholic monk .

What was the Catholic Church like before Martin Luther?

The Catholic Church was highly corrupt prior to Martin Luther denouncing their activities. They would sell pardons for the dead in Heaven and gather up huge sums of money unethically.

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The Catholic Church has never issued rewards for anybody. The only thing that the Catholic Church did to Martin Luther was to formalize his excommunication, see it at the link below:

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No, Martin Luther King was a Baptist, a church which split off from the Church of England. It, as well as the Church of England, is considered as a Protestant denomination and not a part of the Catholic Church.

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Martin Luther was a Catholic monk who sought to reform the Catholic Church.

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The Catholic Church never abducted little girls and, no, this was not a complaint of Martin Luther.

Why did protestant reformation spread?

Martin Luther, and others before him, was sickened by the corruption that was rife in the Catholic Church. The tipping point was the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church. The reformation spread because many people were dissatisfied with the Catholic Church and could see the hypocrisy that was throughout all levels of the Catholic Church.

When will the Catholic Church recognize Martin Luther as a saint for what he did for victims of the Catholic Church?

I hardly think the Catholic Church would proclaim him as a saint since the Church considers him to be a heretic.

Who stopped the war with Martin Luther and the Church?

.Catholic AnswerThere was never a "war" with Martin Luther and the Church, the question is not valid.