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Diastolic Blood Pressure

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Q: Blood pressure that remains between heart contractions?
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What is blood pressure that remains between heart contractions?

diastolic pressure

What does distolic mean?

"Diastolic" refers to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle relaxes and fills with blood. It is the lower number in a blood pressure reading and represents the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between contractions.

Do veins carry blood at the same pressure as arteries?

No, veins carry blood at a lower pressure than arteries. Blood in arteries is propelled by heart contractions. Venous blood is propelled only by body movement and gravity.

Can systolic blood pressure equal blood pressure diaslotic?

This is impossible. Systolic pressure is the pressure in the artery during the heart contractions. Diastolic pressure is during heart relaxation. Picture this, and you'd see that it's impossible to have diastolic pressure equal or greater than systolic pressure.

What is the systolic and diastolic?

Systole is the top number of a blood pressure reading. It is the heart contracting forcing blood out. Indicated by the first heart sound. Diastole is the bottom number of a blood pressure reading. It is the heart relaxing bringing blood back in.

What actions allow blood to return to the heart?

The blood is able to move to and from the heart through the contraction of the heart muscle. These contractions build up pressure and cause you to have what is commonly known as blood pressure. That build up of pressure pushes the blood throughout the arteries and veins and enables it to circulate throughout the body.

How are heart contractions and blood pressure related?

Yes. The top number which is called Systolic is the pressure on the arteries when the heart is contracting. The bottom number which is called Diastolic, is the pressure on the arteries when the heart is relaxed. If you were to feel your pulse, it has a rhythm. When you feel the heart is contracting. The heart is relaxing between the beats.

How does the heart pump blood?

Your heart contracts, forcing your blood out your aorta, and through your body.

Is the blood flow constant or depend on pressure-?

Blood flow remains constant in a persons body unless blocked.

What cell in the kidney monitor low blood pressure?

The cells of the juxtaglomerular complex of the nephron. Granular cells in the kidney monitor alteration in blood pressure. If blood pressure falls and remains low, this specialized cells release the enzyme renin into the blood stream.

What is the difference between high blood pressure and hypertension BTW high blood pressure?

High Blood Pressure and Hypertension are the same thing

Where is blood pressure the slowest?

I am sure you mean the lowest. It is the lowest in the venous side of the circulatory system and it is highest in the arteries right off the heart. The very lowest blood pressure would be in the veins and the blood flow will need help to move blood back to the heart by muscle contractions and breathing. There is where the blood flow is the slowest.