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Yes, P (longitudinal) waves can travel through solid, liquid, and gaseous mediums.

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Q: Can Fluids transmit P waves
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What type of waves do fluids transmit and why?

fluids usually transmit only what type of waves

Are P-waves and S-waves transverse or longitudinal waves?

P-waves are longitudinal and S-waves are transverse waves.

What are the three categories of seismic waves?

p wave comes first s wave comes next and last comes surface wave.

Why can't s waves travel through fluids?

Sound waves can travel through fluids, it is just that due to the physical proporties of water, sound waves are dampened much faster than they would be in gas.

Which travels slower p waves or surface waves?

surface waves because p waves and s waves are way faster so here is how it goes from fastest to slowest: is p wave and then s wave and then surface waves