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They could, if it wasn't in the severe category

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Q: Can airplanes lift off in the rain?
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Can airplanes take off in rain?

Yes. Although a certain amount of drag is introduced when airplanes are flying in the rain, this is minimal and has very little effect on the handling of the aircraft. Airplanes can take off, fly, and land in the rain in perfect safety.

Does gravity affects the amount of lift on an airplanes lift?

No it doesn't

How do airplanes takeoff?

Airplanes need to generate lift in order to take off and fly. The way they do this is to go fast enough on the ground so that the air passing over the wings generates lift in accordance with Bernoulli's principle. When sufficient speed is attained to generate the necessary lift, the plane will fly.

In what way does the take off of a helicopter differ from that of an aeroplane?

While airplanes need to be in motion with enough momentum to create enough airspeed for lift off, helicopters can lift off vertically without any momentum of the aircraft. Both aircrafts need a rotary wing. Helicopter wings are rotary and have the capabilities to change the angle or pitch in order to create more or less lift. Airplanes have rotary and fixed wings.

What makes paper airplanes?

Lift makes paper airplanes fly, just as it does real planes.magic

What makes paper airplanes fly?

Lift makes paper airplanes fly, just as it does real planes.magic

What causes airplanes to take off?

Lift is what ultimatly causes the plane to take off. When a plane get up to take off speed, that means the wings are generating enough lift to lift the plane up. The pilot will change the planes angle of attack with the elevators (located on the horizontal stabilizers) to the wind which forces engine thrust to push the plane into the air.

What is the coldest temperature a fighter jet is allowed to operate or take-off in?

At higher elevation, and colder temperatures, airplanes require more runway to lift off the ground. It's the contrary for warm temperatures.

How are old airplanes similar to new airplanes?

Old Airplanes and new are similar because they work under the same principles. Creating enough lift to become airbourne. To do so a plane needs to be light enough with enough thrust and enough surface area of the wings to create the lift

What are the names of the forces involved in flying airplanes?

Lift, Drag, Thrust and Weight.

What kind of designs help paper airplanes fly?

chocolate rain

Can you make it rain?

Yes, through cloud seeding, which is done with airplanes.