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Some would say it would, other not. Studies show that if you consume massive amounts of it, then yes there could definitely be a possibility that it would contribute for cancer; but that's the case with most things if you consume too much of it. Someone whom is very paranoid would say that it can indeed give you cancer, however ultimately it really can't. A Diet Coke every now and then, even 1 or 2 glasses a day would not affect you. If you go insane and have massive doses then of course it won't be healthy for you, but like said that's the case with most things people consume. It's just opinionated at this point, but my personal answer is that it cannot give you cancer.

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Q: Can aspartame give you cancer
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the answer is cancer

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ys sadly mountain dew has aspartame in it, which causes cancer of the lymph nodes, im not drinkin it any more :(

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Aspartame, the sugar substitute, is the controversial chemical that some believe can cause cancer.

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No aspartame is purely a sweetener, however if you heat it to over 84 degrees it does give of formalderhyde

Why is aspartame important?

Why not? it tastes sweet and isn't bad for teeth and wont make people with diabetes go Hyperglycaemic. If you are referring to the aspartame controversy which I am sure you are, Aspartame hasn't been proved to cause cancer in humans. while studies did find that there were increased cancer rates in rats fed aspartame, this doesn't mean It will cause cancer in humans. Dogs find chocolate poisonous, but humans eat chocolate in copious amounts without incident. so while aspartame may prove fatal to rats, humans can continue to enjoy the foul taste of the worlds most popular artificial sweeter.

Can your body tell the difference between sugars?

Sugar is Sugar. But some sugars like Splenda has aspartame in it .Aspartame cause cancer if you use it to much so the sugar I recommend Truvia. This is a natural sugar made from leaves.

Does aspatame cause cancer?

No. Though there are rumors that have been circulating for a few years now that Aspartame causes cancer, there is no evidence that it does. In fact, the ACA, American Cancer Association, conducted animal tests (animal tests, very controversial, but it's better than testing on humans) that showed no increased risk for cancer with HIGH doses of Aspartame. Now, obviously results could be different between animals and humans, but nothing substantial.

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Magnets do not give you cancer.

How many syllables are in aspartame?


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excessive use can give you cancer