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Treatment with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 lowers homocysteine levels (reducing the risk for cardiovascular problems), but more studies are needed

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Q: Can coronary artery disease be treated with folic acid?
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Can coronary artery disease be treated with vitamin B12?

Treatment with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 lowers homocysteine levels (reducing the risk for cardiovascular problems), but more studies are needed

Can coronary artery disease be treated with vitamin B6?

Treatment with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 lowers homocysteine levels (reducing the risk for cardiovascular problems), but more studies are needed

How is the sicle cell disease treated or managed?

Daily medication is prescribed mostly pennycilin and folic acid and the patient has to have check ups 2 or more times a year depending on how bad their case is

How is gum diseased treated in alternative medicine?

Zinc, copper, folic acid, vitamin E, selenium , and vitamin A or beta-carotene are very helpful in slowing the progression of gum disease, especially if the patient has dietary deficiencies.

Spina Bifida and heart disease have been associated with what deficiency?

Folic acid deficiency.

High homocysteine levels associated with ischemia may be treated with which supplements?

High homocysteine levels may be treated with vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid.

Is Spina Bifida a disease?

Spina Bifida can be consitered a disease, but it is not generic. It has to do with the amount of Folic acid in the mother during pregnancy. The exact cause of it is unknown

Does folic acid build bones?

Folic acid is not known for building bones. Instead, folic acid is used for preventing and treating low blood levels of folic acid, as well as its complications, including anemia, and the inability of the bowel to absorb nutrients properly. It's also used to help with ulcers, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney issues. Source: WebMD

How does pyridoxine lower the risk of developing heart disease?

In conjunction with folic acid and cobalamin, it acts to reduce homocysteine levels, thus lowering the risk of developing heart disease .

What are the benefits of the vitamin folic acid?

The vitamin folic acid has a number of potential benefits. It reduces the risk of blood disorders and kidney disease. It is also said to help reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer and help with depression.

Folic acid deficiency causes?


Can you take Folic Acid when using Methotrexate for Arthritis?

You must take folic acid with methotrexate because the drug depletes it naturally from the body. Not taking folic acid could lead to severe liver damage. When being treated with MTX regular blood tests should be done to test for toxicity and other problems. ( I take 7.5 mg MTX once a week and 5 mg megafoll folic acid per day. )