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Yes, It is important to wash out the animals mouth ASAP and induce vomiting with a peroxide water mix. Rewash mouth and bathe pet to remove any toxins from animals coat. My dog has twice been inflicted. The more they vomit the better their chances. Signs are excessive drooling or foaming at mouth. Confusion, poor balance and vomiting. Lethargy and depression. Animal may seem fearful of even its beloved owners gentle touch. Kepp in a warm cuddly position inside a blanket until symptoms pass.

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Q: Can frog poison kill a dog?
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Can a frog kill a moose?

depends on the frog. a regular tree frog wont kill it but if somehow a poison dart frog came in contact or was eaten by a moose it would kill it from the poison there are probably a bunch of differant frogs that can do that but the poison dart frog came to mind first and is the most poisones frog there is.

Can a poison dart frog kill?

yes that is why it is called poison.

How strong is the poison of an arrow poison frog?

The golden poison dart frog's poison is so poisonous it can kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice.

Can a poison dart frog kill itself?

no reatard

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anything that thretnes it.

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The poison arrow frog is the most poisonous amphibian in the world.

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The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill 2,200 people.

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