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Yes, especially after your heart stops beating.

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Q: Can heroin use stop you from ejaculating?
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How do you pass urine test if used heroin if you used?

Stop taking heroin.

How can you stop a heroin user?

Get them arrested.

How do you test for heroin?

You test positive for morphine after you use heroin

What contraceptive do men use?

Men can use condoms or vasectomy. In addition, they can pull out before ejaculating.

What can you do if your friend is using heroin?

tell that friend to stop using that

How do you stop when addicted to heroin?

Go to a doctor and ask for help.

How many orgasms do guys have before ejaculating?

Ejaculating is the orgasm.

Does heroin cause infertility?

It can. Heroin causes irregular menstrual cycles and can even stop them, so infertility is a risk. Impotence in men can also result from heorin use.

What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..

Are there people who use heroin responsibly and without becoming addicted?

No. Heroin is extremely addictive. There is no such thing as using heroin responsibly.

Can you dilute your system with water to pass a drug test if you regularly use heroin?

Yes, never done heroin but done this several times for pot, use gaterade instead of water though that way you pee still has color.

My best friend takes heroin and he won't stop What can I do?

You need to research the downsides of heroin use and explain them to your friend. If he doesn't stop then, it might be a good idea to alert the law. Heroin is one of the hardest drugs to kick, depending on how long your friend has been using and if the friend really wants to quit they can go to your local ER and have themselves admitted which in turn the hospital will evaluate and try to get them into a rehab, in most of cases of Heroin users they are given methadone to help with the withdraw of the heroin. The up side to this is methadone is legal, down side is methadone is also habit forming.