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no! Otherwise we would not have so many where hundreds or thousands of people getting killed, like the recent one in Japan. To make real predictions would require knowing the location of all these faults (some kind of map), knowing at what stage each of them is (how much tension there is and what kind of things are preventing the fault from slipping) and how they interact with one another. Even for very carefully studied regions like southern California, we have only a very small fraction of the information that would be needed for true prediction.

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Q: Can scientist make long range earthquake predictions?
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Are scientists usually successful in long range earthquake predictions?

sometimes they are but not always i believe

Have scientist been successful in making long-range predictions?

according to my research they should be ore accurate in the future

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What are long range predictions of earthquakes based?

based on? they are based on tectonic plate movement.

How long was the average earthquake time for Long Beach?

the average earthquake time for long beach depends on how the high or low the magnitude range is.

What are long range earthquake forecasts based on the idea that earthquakes are what?


What are long range earthquake forecasts based upon?

the build up on accumulation of pressure .

Can they make long range earthquake forecasts?

If you mean distance-yes, if you mean time, not yet.

Why is it important to know how long earthquakes last for?

It is important to known how long an earthquake will last so that scientist will know if there will be a bigger one. The bigger earthquakes are called main-shock.

Who can you get prior information about earthquake?

Predicting earthquakes is quite difficult. Long term predictions are imprecise but possible. They can estimate within 100 or so years when an eruption will occur. They study slip rates, slip magnitudes, and fault history. Short term predictions are precise, but very difficult. It is based on fluid pressure, gas release, changes in magnetic fields, foreshocks, and gaps in earthquake records.

How long do scientist think it will be before the earth runs out of resources?

From what I read the most drastic predictions say that it will happen in 50 years, most others give it from 100 to much more. Just depends on who you put your faith in.

What effects did the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 have on long range city planning?

dont know,and dont care