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Alcohol is a depressant, so it doesn't usually raise your pulse. Alcohol does often make people sick. Adding soda to your liquor makes it easier for you to drink faster and increases the odds that you will drink until you get sick.

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Q: Can sprite and vodka make your heart rate go up and get sick?
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Why does or heart rate go up?

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How does heart rate work?

heart rate is the amount of beats your heart can make in a certain amount of time.heart rate is important because if your heart beats to slow when you excercise or to fast when you are doing nothing you could die.

Does different activities make your heart rate go up?

no only underwater super diving can increase your heart rate

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A lot of agents can affect heart rate, but let's say... Cocaine (accelerates the heart rate) Adrenaline (accelerates the heart rate) Potassium chloride (reduces it to zero - this is the chemical they use in executions to make the heart stop)

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Doctors monitor the heart rate of the growing fetus to make sure there are no abnormalities and that the child is healthy.

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When you have the flu does your heart rate rise?

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Do dogs make your heart rate go up?

Yes, if you are scared of them your heart will beat faster