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Approximating Earth as a point object is close enough for most practical purposes. The diameter of Earth is insignificant, compared to the distance to the Sun.

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Q: Can the earth be regarded as the point object when it is describing its yearly journey around the sun?
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What is the difference between CAM computer aided manufacture and CAD computer aided design?

CAM is almost effortless. CAD you need to be around all the time. CAD makes the designs of the objects such as the length, height, shape e.t.c. Also the output is mainly a file describing how some thing is to be made. This may be a picture or set of instructions.CAM then, with the help of instructions from CAD, makes the object i.e the finished object with the colour , size, feature etc.

How do you make a sentence work in adjective?

The Deep blue sea is sparkling when I touch it.

Why does the shape of an object falling affects the time that it takes to hit the ground?

It's all about the air resistance that the object receives as it falls in an atmosphere. The air has to move around the object as it falls, if it's allowed to move smoothly aroundyam object by the objects shape then the force of the air resistance is lower. This allows the object to fall faster.

Is does she park her car there every day a verb noun or an adjective?

In the sentence, "Does she park her car there every day?", the parts of speech are:does, auxiliary verb (does park)she, personal pronoun (subject of the sentence)park, verb (does park)her, possessive adjective (her car)car, common noun (direct object)there, adverb (modifying the verb park)every, adjective (describing the noun day)day, common noun (indirect object)

How does the speed of an object's vibration affects its sound?

Sound is the way that our ears and brains interpret compression waves (waves parallel to the direction of travel of the wave). As an object vibrates, it compresses and decompresses the air around it very quickly creating a compression wave. When the frequency of the object's vibration is faster, the rate at which it compresses and decompresses the air around it also is faster, meaning that our ears pick up a higher pitched sound. Slower vibrations create a lower pitched sound.

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