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I wouldn't. You may be missing the card someone's reading needs.

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Q: Can you do tarot readings if one card is lost?
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Where can I get tarot card readings?

Tarot card readings can be found in many places online. One of these places is

Where can one find information about Tarot card readings?

One can find information about Tarot card readings online at Free-tarot-reading website. Also one can look into Trustedtarot website. Some interesting information is available at Howstuffworks as well.

Where can one get free Tarot card readings?

Most free tarot card readings are offered through online sites, but one must be careful as most of these types of readings are actually just computer generated. There are also applications one can download to a mobile phone.

Where could one find a free tarot card reading online?

Tarot card reading is a way of attaining clarity in thoughts and emotions while facing certain issues in one's life. Free Tarot Reading, Trusted Tarot, Salem Tarot and Llewellyn offer free tarot readings online.

Where can one find more information on free tarrot card readings online?

Information on free tarrot card readings online can be found on various websites. Some examples include the following: Trusted Tarot and Free-Tarot-Readings.

Where can one find Tarot Readings online?

Google tarot readings and thousands of results come up! Free tarot card readings is a popular site and will aid you with what you want to know. Many sites include features such as mobile sms features as well as online readings.

What is card twenty-one in a tarot deck?

Card twentyone is The World in a tarot deck of cards .

Where can one get a free love tarot reading?

If one was looking to receive a free love tarot reading there are various online sites that offer this facility. These include UK Tarot Readings, Philip Garcia, Tarot Psychic Readings Online.

Where can one go to find free online tarot?

Online tarot readings can be found through a simple search or by following links from tarot-training websites such as "learn tarot" or "trusted tarot". Other excellent resources include do-it-yourself magic websites.

Where can one find reliable information about psychic tarot online?

Information about tarot reading can be found in tarot books available in most specialist and larger book stores. In addition, tarot readings may be passed on from other tarot readers. There may be blogs and forums on the internet that also teach the technique of tarot reading.

Where may one find psychic tarot readings in Los Angeles CA?

There are many psychic tarot readers in Los Angeles. One could choose from; Melrose Psychic Readings, Hollywood Psychic Gallery, Los Feliz Psychic, Psychic Centre and Judy Hevenly.

What is the 7 of flames in tarot?

Card 7 shows The Chariot in a tarot deckI suspect you mean, "tarot card." It is a card very similar to traditional playing cards, but larger and with different designs. It is used in fortune-telling and other occult activities.