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No! Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for 24-48 hours after the piercing has been done. Smoking will dry out the area too much and also could infect it. As soon as my tongue was pierced i was straight out the front and had a cigerette. My piecing never dried out or got infected. Its not that it will dry out your piercing. I does not do that at all. The nicotine in cigarettes slows down the healing process, causing the piercing to take longer to heal. It is the same concept with alcohol -- slows down the healing process. Some people still smoke and drink and are okay, but yet for other people their piercing may never heal if they continue to do it constantly.

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Q: Can you smoke after getting your tongue peirced?
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Where can you get your tongue peirced at?

I suggest a piercing parlor/studio.

Does nipple piercing hurt more then getting your tonuge peirced?

Yes, however it should be noted that tongue piercings are one of the least painful piercings to get.

Can you kiss when you get your tongue peirced?

yes. but not before the wound from the piercing heals.

Does getting your lip peirced hurt?

Yes, and you risk getting an infection.

Does getting your nipple peirced hurt?

Yes. Any piercing is going to hurt to some degree.

Does it hurt to get your tongue webbing pierced?

no. honestly i didn't even feel a thing and anyone you ask would say the same thing. but it does get sore for the next week source: i peirced my tongue web my self and have had it for 4 months

Can cigarette smoke cause tongue cancer?

yes it can

Can you smoke marawana after you get a tongue percing?

marijuana* and not immediately

What does it mean if your tongue is still bleeding the day after you got it peirced?

Well that's not uncommon and will ease off and stop as soon as the body can heal the cut vessels in your tongue. You want to keep talking down to a minimum for the next while to let the piercing heal.

Can you smoke meth after piercing your tongue?

no, dummedi dum dum .

Does having your tongue peirced mean your gay?

Uhm for guys ive heard it does because of the piercing feeling better for the guy... O.O but I think that if someone really wants their tongue pierced and theyre a guy they should get it unless you really worry about what other people say...