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Get some Tattoo ink and put charcoal in it.

An oldschool trick( i dont recomend using this) is to use a cloth wick in a jar of petrolium jelly, burn for 2 days, carbon from combustion mixes with the vaso.

I recomend buying some kuro sumi, its carbon based.

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Yes, But it want last few days

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Q: Can you tattoo with charcoal
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Can you use charcoal for tattooing?

first, you must grind up the charcoal as fine as you can, then prepare your area. just like a normal tattoo, you want it to be sanitary. make sure the design is right too. as is the placement on our body. take a needle or blade and "carve" into your skin in the pattern or design you want. when this is done, clean the wound then you want to fill the wound with the charcoal powder. clean the excess off without cleaning the wound again. bandage this for a few day so it will heal with the charcoal in your skin. DO NOT WASH IT WHILE IT IS STILL AND OPEN WOUND. when it heals you will have a tattoo =) i have one of these on my neck. hurt like hell but was worth it. hope this helps. good luck!

What is a synonym for charcoal?

One synonym for charcoal is "carbon."

What is in charcoal?

Charcoal is mostly carbon.

Difference between active charcoal and charcoal?

ang charcoal at active charcoal ay mag ka iba ng espelling

How do you use the word charcoal in a sentence?

Pass me the charcoal please.I enjoy a charcoal barbecue in the summer.

Why charcoal is used in charcoal cavity test?

because it is called a CHARCOAL cavity test.

How much does charcoal cost?

The cost of charcoal can vary depending on the type and brand. On average, a bag of charcoal can range from $10 to $30. Specialty charcoal, such as lump charcoal or flavored charcoal, may be more expensive than traditional briquettes.

What is the function of the charcoal?

Charcoal is a filtering agent.

How scarce is charcoal?

Charcoal is a common material.

How tall is Charcoal?

Charcoal is 5' 4".

Sentence for charcoal?

The charcoal was burning hot

What is a charcoal pencil?

a pencil made out of charcoal