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Yes. It makes things fall.


Gravity establishes the orbiting velocity, v2 = GM/r.

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Q: Could gravity affect velocity. If so how?
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Could gravity on Eris hold down a person?

Yeas, easily. The gravity on Eris is about 8.4% the gravity of Earth or about half the gravity of the moon. Escape velocity at the surface is a little under 1.4 kilometers per second, so you could not jump off of it.

Does air pressure affect gravity?

Gravity is a function of mass and distance. So, no air pressure does not affect gravity.

Does an object stay in place in zero gravity or does it rise?

In zero gravity it keeps traveling in the same direction. That is to say its velocity does not change. So if its velocity is zero, it remains zero.

How does an increase in a streams velocity affect its discharge and carrying capacity?

When the discharge of a stream increases, so does it's velocity. When it decreases, so does the velocity.

IS velocity possible in zero gravity?

Velocity is relative to the observer and or objects that are in the area , if your sitting in true zero gravity from your point of view you will be standing still but in-reality your velocity will based on your original thrust. Some one watching you (at a zero velocity) from another location might see you zoom by at the original velocity. So the new question is if that other person has zero velocity and is in zero gravity what time will it be when they look at their watch ? Hmmm

How is gravity related to terminal velocity?

Based on the 9th grade book of Physical Science... Gravity is a force that acts between two masses, and Terminal velocity is the constant velocity of a falling object when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity. So, gravity causes objects to accelerate downward, whereas air resistance acts in the direction opposite to the motion and reduces acceleration... which ties together terminal velocity.

How velocity affect momentum?

if velocity increases, so does momentum. and vice versa momentum = mass x velocity increasing mass or velocity or both will increase momentum

How velocity of an object can affect its work?

work is the product of force and displacement As velocity is rate of change of displacement, so yes, velocity does effect work.

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile motions?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile motion?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

Could Tiger Woods actually hit a ball hard enough to escape the gravity of the moon?

The escape velocity of the moon is over 2 kilometres per second, so that would be a no!

What is the terminal velocity of gravity?

gravity is a force that defines terminal velocity, along with friction and others..objects can only fall so fast due to friction..on earth gravity pulls at 9.8m/s2 while at the event horizon of a black hole gravity pulls faster then the speed of light, which is why light cannot escape it