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No! he never come back to the Catholic church instead he opposed the teaching of his old religion.

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Q: Did Martin Luther return to Catholicism?
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Did Martin Luther stem from Catholicism?

Of course! He was a devoted priest for several years.

The founder of the protestant church left the cathoilic church?

Well, Martin Luther found Protestantism but he never wanted to separate from the Catholic church just change their ways, But yes he did leave the Catholic Church.

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Martin Luther was known for the Protestant reformation. Born in Germany, he questioned some of the teachings of Roman Catholicism, which gave rise to the Protestant faith or tradition.

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Martin Luther started the Lutheran church as a kinda revolt from Catholicism I might be wrong about the revolt thong but it was because he left the roman catholic church hope I helped

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Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

Who was a German priest who is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther- protestant reformation leader

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Martin Luther is the creator of Lutheranism. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Nobody's name was changed.