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they are commonly just called worms

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11y ago

there are 24 types of earthworms

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Q: Different types of earthworms
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Related questions

How many different types of earthworms are there?

answer is 24.

Are there different types of earthworms?

Yes, many.

How many types of earthworms are there?

There are over 4 thousand different types of earthworms. They are hatched from a cocoon, can regrow segments, and they are hermaphrodites.

Why are earthworms and leeches in different class?

earthworms penises are longer

How many types of earthworms are there in the British isles?

There 13 common types

How many different kinds of earthworms are there?


What types of earthworms are there in Wisconsin?

winter hardy, Scandinavian speeking

What are the two types of muscles earthworms have?

circular muscleslongitudinal muscles

Are there any different kinds of earthworms?

Yes, there are different kinds of earthworms. Within the three major categories of earthworms, over 4400 named species exist. The three main categories are endogeic, anecic and epigeic.

Are worms and earthworms the same?

Earthworms are a type of worm; there are many other types including roundworms, flatworms, marine worms, and bristle worms.

Can earthworms poop?

Everything can, just in different ways.

How is an earthworms nervous system different than a humans?

Earthworms don't have spines, so their nerves don't travel through there.