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No, not exactly: Catholic belief is that at the consecration of the bread and wine at Mass, these elements become the true essence of the Body and Blood of Christ. While the physical form is unchanged, it is believed there is an essential transformation. Catholics do not believe that the bread and wine are representative, they believe they are the Body and Blood of Christ (in essence).

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Q: Do Catholics believe that the bread and wine really represent Jesus' Body and Blood?
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The Eucharist is important to Catholics because Christ is important to Catholics. You see, the Catholic Church teaches the doctrine of the real Presence, which means that Catholics believe that the host is not a mere symbol of the Body of Christ, and the wine of the blood. They are really and truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ sacramentally present under the appearance of bread and wine.

What do the bread and wine represent for Catholics?

For Catholics they are the substantial prescence of the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. They represent Christ's sacrifice for humans on the cross and call to mind the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples.

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Catholics believe that the elements of bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ during the consecration of the Mass. Protestants believe the elements are merely symbols of Christ body and blood.

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The body and blood of Christ received in remembrance of His death till He comes....most believe Christ is actually really present there with them but that the elements are merely symbolic, as opposed to Roman Catholics who believe the wafer actually becomes His flesh and the wine His physical blood (transubstantiation)

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Blood transfusions are not taboo in the Catholic church. =Answer= The above poster is correct and you are thinking of Jehovah Witness.

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Can Catholics receive blood?

Catholics have no prohibitions about giving or receiving blood in a transfusion.

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I'm afraid no. If you believe in the greek gods, go to places that represent their symbol and ask for guidance (maybe). Really your on your own. Try camp half-blood if you believe in the Gods. Good luck with that.

Can Catholics give blood?

Yes, Catholics can give blood and are encouraged to do so if able. It is not uncommon for parishes to hold blood drives.

Who celebrate transubstantion?

Transubstantiation is a belief held by the Catholic Church. Catholics believe that during the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. This belief is celebrated during the Mass by Catholics around the world.

Why is the altar not as important to protestants as it is to catholics?

Catholics are especially reverent toward the altar because it is where the process of transubstantiation takes place. Transubstantiation is the process in which the gifts of bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ though the Holy Spirit. Protestants do not believe in transubstantiation. Instead, Protestants believe that the bread and wine are symbols for Christ's body and blood.

What is the difference of Catholicism and Protestantism on their doctrines and beliefs?

To be honest with you, im really not sure. But i think the difference is that Catholics believe that the bread and wine literally is the body and blood of Christ, and Protestants don't believe that. They believe it is more of a representation. There are many more differences, but it is the same religion, Christianity. Catholics seem to be more into the virgin Mary and saints, and pray to them, yet protestants and C of E seem to think that only God should be prayed to. People sometimes say that Catholics seem more traditional and strict, yet it depends on the church and person.