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I have had 5 surgeries and was told to take it off for all of them

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Q: Do you have to remove fingernail polish prior to surgery?
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What precautions should be taken to enhance accurate pulse oximeter readings?

he patient should not smoke 24 hours prior to pulse oximetry. Fingernail polish should be removed if the oximeter will be attached to the finger

Does bleach remove nail polish?

No, hand sanitizer will not remove nail polish. Hand sanitizer is made up of mostly alcohol, an ingredient that kills germs. Nail polish needs something strong such as acetone or an acetone alternative, like ethyl acetate to remove it. Alcohol, when used on a clean nail prior to polishing, actually makes the nail polish adhere better because it cleans the surface of the nail!

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You have to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery to prepare your stomach for the upcoming gastric bypass surgery.

Should you withhold food from a horse prior to surgery?

This can depend on the surgery the horse is going to have, you should always ask your equine vet about feeding prior to surgery just to be sure.

Can you get a piercing if you are having an operation in the next 4 weeks?

It will be a waste of time and money, you are required to remove all jewellery prior to surgery, no if's and's or but's about it, everything must be reomved. So wait till you are done with your surgery.

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How is the patient prepared for Mohs surgery?

antibiotics may be given to the patient prior to the procedure; this is known as prophylactic antibiotic treatment. Patients are encouraged to eat prior to surgery

During the laporoscopy surgery if the doctor finds anything that needs to be removed will he do it then?

It depends on the purpose of the surgery and permission given prior to the surgery.

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"Not everyone qualifies for wavefront surgery. Prior to any surgery, your optomologist will put you through screening to ensure you are a candidate for wavefront surgery."

Is every patient tested for HIV before surgery?

The patient is not tested for HIV prior to surgery.

Can you have dementia after surgery?

I do believe surgery hastens dementia, especially in elderly who are already fragile and it may be that these patients have dementia prior to surgery and anaesthesia exacerbated the condition.