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yes, it is a vertibrate and ALL vertibrates have back bones.

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Q: Does a poisonous arrow frog have a backbone?
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Is the poison arrow frog the most poisonous animal in the world?

No. Scientists say that the terribilis (another frog) is probably the most poisonous animal in the world.

What poisonous frogs live in the tropical rainforest?

There are two main poisonous frogs that live in the tropical rainforest. They are the Poison Arrow Frog and the Poison Dart Frog.

I found a red frog in my yard It is pinkish red. What kind of a frog is this?

Red frog are poisonous. "I think it is RED ARROW TREE FROG because they are pinkish red!"

What is the poisonous river animals?

Some of them are the sea snakes that also move in the riverwater.some amphibians like poison arrow frog and the violet bodied frog and some toads are also poisonous and live in riverwater.

What is the most dangerous amphibian?

The poison arrow frog is the most poisonous amphibian in the world.

Is a stonefish more venomous then a box jellyfish?

The box jellyfish is the most venomous; the arrow frog the most poisonous. Poisonous and venomous are not the same thing.

What is a poison arrow frog rarity?

A poison dart frog is a rare species of poisonous frog found in Central and South America. Many of these species are threatened due to habitat loss.

What food chain does the poison arrow frog fit into?

It's pretty much invulnerable. Except from humans. A poisonous tree frog as poison in its skin and sweat, making it fatal to animals who attempt to eat it. It's called the poisonous tree frog for a reason

How strong is the poison of an arrow poison frog?

The golden poison dart frog's poison is so poisonous it can kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice.

How has the poison arrow frog in the rainforest adapted to its environment?

The poison arrow frog has vivid colors which warns predators to keep away from them. If a bird ever get the taste of one, it is likely that it will not eat one again. After all, it is poisonous

What is a poison frog?

A frog red and black in color? Poisonous!

Is the poison of the golden poison frog really gold?

If you are talking about the golden arrow poison dart frog ( Phyllobates terribilis ) then it happens to be the most poisonous animal in the world. Simply touching it could kill you. And there is a difference between poisonous and vemonous.