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Abbruzzi's real name is Harold Stephenson.

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Q: Does anyone have any information on an old oil painting of a matador or bullfighting signed by Cameron?
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What is a lee burr matador painting worth?

I have a lee burr painting of two pirate ships, is it worth anything significant?

What do bullfighters wear?

A bullfighting costume mostly consists of a silk jacket, heavily embroidered in gold, skintight pants, and a montera (a bicome hat). The best fabrics are used to make a bullfighting costume so that a matador would feel comfortable and look outstanding. The bullfighting costume price can be up to thousands of dollars and a famous matador must have at least six of them for a season. The most famous matadors buy their bullfighting costumes from top designers, which are made to an exclusive and personal order. Modern matadors can be quite extravagant in their choice; they can wear pink socks, a white shirt and a red tie, and a large purple or yellow cape. Earlier, bullfighting costumes were also made to an order and each one possessed unique and unrepeatable features, distinguishing one from another.

What is the word for a cheer at a bullfight?

Toreros or matador. Matador means "killer" literally.

Date Salvador Dali painted the hallucinogenic matador?

It was finished in 1970.

What are some jobs that begin with the letter M?

Some jobs and professions starting with M are:machinistmad scientistmagazine editormagicianmagistratemaidmail carriermail machine operatormailmanmail messengermaintenancemakeup artistmall copmanagement consultantmanagermandolin playermanicuristmannequin makermanufacturermarble masonmarching leadermarinemarine biologistmarine engineermarket analystmarketermarket gardenermarketing executivemarketing managermarksmanmarriage counselormarshalmarshmallow machine operatormartial artistmascotmasonmassage therapistmasseusemaster carpentermaster of ceremony (MC)matadormaterial moving workermaterials engineermaterials scientistmathematicianmath teachermatronmattress makermcdonalds cashiermeat department managermeat packermechanicmechanical engineermechanicianmediatormedicmedical billermedical doctormedical microbiologistmedical technicianmedical transcriptionistmedicine manmediummenagerie manmentormercenarymerchantmerchant marinemesmeristmessengermeteorologistmeter maidmeter readermicrobiologistmicrowave systems repairermidwifemilitary officermilitary peofessionalmilking machine mechanicmilkmanmillermillinermilling machine operatormillwrightmimeminermining machine operatorministermissionarymix mastermixologist (bar tender)modelmodellermodel makermogulmoldmakermolecatchermommonarchmoneychangermoneylendermonger (e.g. fish-monger)monkmonkey trainermortarmanmortgage bankermortgage brokermorticianmotel maidmothermotorboat mechanicmotorcycle mechanicmountaineermountain rescuermountan rangersmovermuleskinnermuralistmusic directormusicianmusic teachermusketeer

Related questions

Who kills the bull in bullfighting?

The matador kills the bull.

Bullfighting participant is known as?

there's the matador, and there's the bull.

What is a bullfighting swordsman?

The matador is the only torero who uses the sword.

At what sporting event would you see a matador perform?

You would see a matador at a bullfight. However, bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art.

What m word is for bullfighting swordsmen?

The matador is the only torero who uses the sword.

What is the Spanish word for bullfighting?

Bullfighting is tauromaquia.A bullfight is a corrida de toros.A bullfighter is a torero.The torero who kills the bull is the matador.

When was bullfighting adopted in Spain?

It is thought that Roman Emperor Claudius brought bullfighting to Spain in the first century. It was not until 1726 that the current manner of the matador fighting bulls on foot was started.

Who makes up the entourage in bullfighting?

The toreros include the matador, banderilleros, and picador. The matador usually has a mozo de estoques - a sword boy who also acts as his personal valet - and a manager.

If the matador dies in bullfighting does someone take their position until the bull dies?

If a matador is unable to kill the bull because of a serious injury or death, one of the other matadores kills the bull. It is usually the senior matador who kills the bull and he does it with no fanfare.

Did Manuel Humbert paint a matador?

Yes he did. I have an original gauche (is that how you spell that?) painting of a matador by Manuel Humbert.

Are there different ways on playing bullfighting?

Bullfighting is not a game, it is not 'played.' It is a serious art form and each matador will have his own style. Some are more traditional and others more casual and reckless in their approach to their performance.

Who is Riki on a signed Painting?

I have an old Matador painting signed RiKi,no idea who it is though.