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Coral lives in tropucal and sub-tropical areas. They are found in saltwater, not freahwater.

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Q: Does coral live in fresh water?
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Are coral reefs fresh water salt water or both?

coral reefs are fresh water

Can you put coral in a fresh water fish tank?

While some saltwater fish, most notably damselfish, can be slowly converted to fresh water, coral are more sensitive, and no known species can live in even brackish water. Check out Pine lake Alberta southeast of Red Deer. It has freshwater "coral", but they are actually stramatolites. It looks like Brain Coral. This is a popular SCUBA diving spot in the region. There are also species of freshwater jellyfish, which is close to coral on the family tree. Freshwater jellyfish usually live in the coastal areas, in rivers and lakes.

Do frogs live in the coral reefs?

no there are no tadpoles in the coral reef they can not live in salt water

Do goldfish live in coral reefs?

I wouldn't think so as goldfish can't live in salt water.

Do coral snakes live in the swamp?

Coral snakes do not live in water.

Are there coral reefs in fresh water bodies or lakes?

As of now there are no fresh water reef Sorry

Why do coral reefs can live salt water?

why do coral reefs can live in salt water

What are the differences between between coral reefs and ponds?

Coral reefs are salt water Ponds are fresh water

Can you found true coral in fresh water?

no it cant be

What plants grow in either fresh or salt water?

Fresh water plants are lily pads, moss, and algie Salt water plants are coral, seaweed, and moss Fresh water plants are lily pads, moss, and algie Salt water plants are coral, seaweed, and moss

Is coral reefs freshwater or saltwater?

Only salt water not brackish or fresh fresh and brackish water kills the polyps

Do coral reefs live in deep or shallow water?

coral reefs live in shallow water, maximum up to 56ft.