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There are no medical studies that show that hypertension can cause heartburn. However, many high blood pressure medications can cause heartburn.

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Q: Does heartburn cause heart attacks
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Why do people get heartburn?

Heartburn can be a heart attack and so could back pain. Especially in females, heart attacks manifest themselves as lower back pain, with the additional symptom of heartburn I would certainly suspect cardiac involvement. Heart attacks can be small and non-debilitating in some individuals. A doctor can tell you for sure.

Can a bad gallbladder cause heartburn?

I would say yes. there are lots of things that can cause heartburn. even though the problem is not in your heart.

Can ducks have heart attacks?

Yes, ducks can have heart attacks. If a duck is chased its heart rate will increase severely and cause a heart attack.

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No, can cause heart attacks -VAPOREON

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It is linked to heart disease/heart attacks and stroke

What are anxiety attacks often mistaken as?

Anxiety or panic attacks can be mistaken for heart attacks (although it is actually rare for anxiety attacks to cause heart attacks, especially in young people).

What is the Americas leading cause in death?

Its heart attacks.

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What drugs cause heart attacks?

Cocaine, typically.

Can heartburn cause difficuilt breathing?

Chest pain due to heartburn usually does not cause shortness of breath. Chest pain with shortness of breath is a warning sign of a heart attack.

How do clots form to cause heart attacks?

because it stopping your heart from beating

What do antacids contain in them the helps smooth heart burns?

alkaloids, to counter the acids that cause heartburn