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The common femoral vein is medial to the common femoral artery. The common femoral artery lies farther from the body's midline.

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Q: Does the common femoral vein lie medial or lateral to the common femoral artery?
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There are 2 anastomosis of the hip joint, a cruciate and trochanteric. I'm not sure about the veins which contribute to the hip joint but i can tell you the arteries and maybe that will help you trace down the venous drainage. Cruciate: inferior gluteal a. lateral circumflex femoral a. medial circumflex femoral a. the first perforating a. of profunda femoris Trochanteric: medial circumflex femoral a. lateral circumflex femoral a. superior gluteal a. inferior gluteal a. a. = artery by the way Hope this helps :D

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As oddly specific as this question is the flow would probably follow the path below: Aortic Arch==>Descending Aorta==>either the left or right Common Illiac Artery==>External Illiac Artery==>Femoral Artery==>from here there are two options to get to the Hallucis (big toe) The first is that the blood flows through the Anterior Tibial Artery then into the Medial Dorsal Artery or Lateral Dorsal Artery which merge to form the Arcuate Artery. From here will come smaller un-named arteries to supply the top of the big toe. The other option is that blood flows through the Posterios Tibial Artery then into the Medial Plantar Artery and Lateral Plantar Artery which merge to form the Plantar Arch. Again smller un-named arteries come from the arch to suplly the underside of the big toe this time.

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The medial femoral condyle is a normal part of the human body.

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What is difference between mid point of inguinal ligament and mid inguinal point?

The midpoint of the inguinal ligament and the mid-inguinal point are two different anatomical landmarks in the inguinal region. In order to understand the difference, some simple anatomical knowledge must be clarified.The inguinal ligament stretches from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the pubic tubercle. The pubic symphysis lies just medial to the pubic tubercle and is the fibrous joint between the two halves of the pelvis.Running under the inguinal ligament from medial to lateral are: femoral canal (a potential space that contains mainly lymphatics), femoral vein, femoral artery and femoral nerve.The midpoint of the inguinal ligament is half way between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle and is the location of the femoral nerve. This landmark is used in femoral nerve blocks.The mid-inguinal point is half way between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis and is the location of the femoral artery. This landmark is used in palpation of the femoral pulse.In relation to each other, the mid-inguinal point is more medial than the midpoint of the inguinal ligament.

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The Radial artery is used when taking a persons pulse.