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Standards in all areas keep changing so they are not completely standard.

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Q: Explain what basic drawing conventions are used and why there needs to be different types of drawings?
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What type of basic drawing conventions are used and why there is need to be different types of drawings?

Different types of basic drawing conventions include orthographic projection, isometric projection, and perspective drawing. These methods help depict objects accurately in technical drawings, making it easier to understand their dimensions and structures. Each type serves a specific purpose; for instance, orthographic projection is commonly used for engineering drawings, while perspective drawing is more common in artistic illustrations. Having different types of drawings allows us to convey information effectively to different audiences, whether they are engineers, architects, artists, or hobbyists.

What is the abbreviation for design?

That would be G.I. Joe which stand Government Issue Joe.

What are the different types of pictorial drawing?

Isometric, orthographic and oblique drawings.

Explain how the range of commands used to produce CAD drawings can impact drawing production?

reduce working time.....and improves accuracy

What are the three types of pictorial drawings?

There are three types of Pictorial Drawing: Isometric Drawing Perspective Drawing Oblique Drawing

What is lino drawing?

Lino drawing, is drawing without shading or adding tone to your drawings.

Why did drawing start?

Early man would draw on cave walls using charcoal (burnt sticks) and other materials. These drawings would record and explain events like a hunt or a battle. These are the first known drawings.

What was the first drawing?

Cave drawings.

Is drawings a plural?

Yes, the word drawings is the plural form of the noun drawing.

What is visual drawing?

Visual drawings are those creations you can look at, such as a drawing or a painting.

Is there a pch drawing in September?

Sept drawings when

Is drawings a noun?

is drawing a common noun