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Digoxin is derived from leaves of a digitalis plant, a drug that comes from the foxglove plant (digitalis purpurea).

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Q: From Which plant is the heart drug digoxin made?
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What is Digitalis made of?

Digitalis is made of digitalis purpurea (plant) which is very toxic

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How do you spell dijoxin?

It would help if the definition of the word were provided:If you are referring to another name for a dachshund (a dog), you have spelled "doxin" correctly.If you are referring to a chemical that is a toxic environmental pollutant, then the spelling would be "dioxin".

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Cannabis refers to a type of flowering plant that is widely used to produce the drug Marijuana. The drug is made from the dried flowers of the Cannabis plant and can be used for medicinal purposes.

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Hemp is made of a type of Cannabis Sativa, aka the marijuana plant. Most Hemp is made from a type of this plant that is not drug related.

What is a cannabis drugs?

Any drug made from the hemp plant, (genus cannabis). Sage.

What drug is made by the hemp plant and THC?

Marijuana, also known as Pot or Ganga,

What is the drug sylvia made from?

It is a plant extract from the common wild flower Salvia Divinorium.

How do you spell quanadine?

The drug is spelled quinidine, a heart medicine made from cinchona bark (quinine).

Does weed show in the hair?

you shouldn't take drugs ^weed isn't a drug. tis a gateway drug, but NOT a drug. drugs are man-made. weed is a plant. that some god blessed us with

A dangerous depressant drug made from opium poppy?

the drug made from poppy juice is opium you can run the plant through a juicer and let it evaperate and then you have a smokeable shootable drinkable tar.....

Which part of the plant is mescal drink is made from?

Mezcal, or mescal, is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from "piña", the heart of the maguey plant (a form of agave, Agave americana) native to Mexico.