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LONGitude and FATitude

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Q: Give me a way to remember which way lonitued and latitude goes please HELP ME?
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Does the x axis give latitude coordinates?

you are correct!

What do the measurements of longitude and latitude give you?

A position or location.

What is Cambodia's longitude and latitude?

104' longitude and 12' latitude will give you the approx. location of the capital,Phnom Penh.

What country is located at 105 degrees latitude and 30 degrees latitude?

-- There is no such latitude as '105 degrees'. The greatest possible latitude is 90 degrees, whether it's north or south. -- No place on Earth has two different latitudes. -- When you give the latitude of a place, you must also reveal whether that latitude is a north or south latitude. Otherwise, even though you think that you've given the latitude, we don't even know the latitude of the place. -- In order to describe a unique location, you must also give its longitude.

When was Please Give created?

Please Give was created on 2010-01-22.

When was Please Give released?

Please Give was released on 04/30/2010.