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If it is a water base poly, my guess is that a red food coloring or artists watercolor or acrylic paint which also thins with water could add a tint or even real color, depending on the amount used, to give you translucence. You could try it with as little as a tablespoon full of poly and a small dot of watercolor or drops of red food coloring, etc. Mix them on a newspaper and you can surely see and read the result. Mix them in an empty tuna can or metal lid you might discard if you need to try a larger amt. Apply and let dry. Adjust as needed. Alizarin Crimson is the color for a cool red--such as a rose flower--and very translucent. A warmer Christmas red, and not so transparent, might be an Acra red in acrylics. Any craft section of large stores often carry small 1-2 oz bottles of many acrylic colors and tiny to larger tubes of watercolor. You'll find liquid or powdered food coloring in the cake decorating section. Try WM, Miklz, JoAnz, HbbyLby--if you get those encoded names.

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Q: How can I add a red tint to polyurethane I want it to be translucent but I need the polyurethane for stability?
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Can you tint poly with a little stain?

Minwax makes a product called Polyshades that has stain and polyurethane mixed together. It is not meant for floors. Adding stain to polyurethane will cause the chemicals to be deluded. It will not bond correctly and possibly not dry at all.

Will polyurethane protect walls from stains?

Well it would work if you brushed on the polyurethane ona wall that is made out of the same material as atable, and provide adequate protection from stains, scratches, and heat. Most readily available polyurethane finishes have a slight amber tint to them, which can enhance the visible grain patterns in the wood.

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Better to use a thinned white primer first, then varnish.

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When there is a yellow tint on your tongue, it could be some sort of fungal infection. Gastric reflux is another reason to have a yellow tint.

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What is a tint in hairdressing?

a tint is a colour

Is pink a tint?

Yes, pink is a tint of red.

What do you call a person that removes tint?

A tint remover

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lavendar is a tint, wine is a shade, emerald is a tint and peach is a tint

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on my 1999 Taurus I took the window tint off and I need to get at some pieces of tint that fell into the center brake light area, so how do I take out the rear speaker panel so I can get rid of all of the tint pieces. Thanks

What does the 35 percent of car tint mean?

It means the tint will allow 35% of light to pass through the window. Remember, car windows have a slight tint from the factory so you must add the aftermarket tint factor to the existing tint.

What percentage is limousine tint?

Limousine tint is usually 5%.