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Freezing a wart that is not on your foot can't cause blindness. The only way that's possible is if you get the freezing medicine in your eye.

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Q: How can freezing a wart that's not on your foot cause blindness?
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What is foot arthritis?

Arthritis in the foot is an inflammation of the joints which cause stiffness and pain.

Can warts cause athletes foot?

Calluses are built up skin from something rubbing on the area, causing it to build up thicker layers. Warts are viral and athlete's foot is a fungus.

Can rheumatoid arthiritis cause drop foot?

Rheumatoid Vasculitis (RV) is one of the unusual complication of longstanding, severe rheumatoid arthritis. The active vasculitis associated with rheumatoid disease occurs in about 1% of this patient population. Nerve damage can cause foot or wrist drop, "mononeuritis multiplex".

Why am i having hip and back pain and I'm flat footed in the military?

There are two types of flat foot. Flexible flat foot which usually does not cause too many problems. A there is inflexible flat foot which can cause pain in the Lower back, hip, knee and ankles This happens because this condition put all of these components out of alignment. This in turn can lead to incorrect wear and tear on the effected joints leading to osteoarthritis.

Is it ok to put White-out on a wart Will it get rid of the wart?

No! Never put any un-prescriptive things on the wart. This only makes the wart worse. SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN GET RID OF A WART: Peeing on them, freezing them, beetle-juice, or even getting them cut off. After-wards put duct-tape on the wart, it helps it die alone. Ask your doctor for help to get the wart off. DO NOT CUT THE WART YOURSELF!! This would cause a tumor in the foot or arm.

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I would think that the only way a foot soak can cause itching is if you are allergic to the ingredients or there may be another cause, like Athlete's Foot.

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Nothing is wrong with that! Because thats just how life is.

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No....its just athletes foot

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No, the height of the bed is not a realistic cause for foot pain.

Ancient ways of measurement?

They had the sundial, pieces of rope, they usually used the kings arm-length and the length of his foot (thats where the name foot came from)

What is another name for the big foot?

sasquatch(American) Yowie (Australian) thats all I know

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