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Glasses and contact lensesShort-sightedness can usually be corrected by you wearing glasses or contact lenses. Your optometrist will discuss with you what options are available.

If you're mildly short-sighted, you may only need to wear glasses or contact lenses occasionally, such as when you're driving.

Contact lenses tend to be more expensive than glasses, and you need to be comfortable touching your eyes to use them. You will need to keep them clean and some types require a lot of care. A popular type of contact lenses is daily disposable lenses, which you wear for one day and then throw away. You don't need to clean or store these lenses.

Glasses are usually recommended for children. They may also be more suitable than contact lenses for older people.

SurgeryLaser refractive surgery

Laser surgery involves small alterations being made to your cornea using a laser, so that light rays are correctly focused onto your retina. To treat short-sightedness, the centre of your cornea is made flatter by removing more tissue from the centre than from the edge.

The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia, so you're awake throughout. It only takes a few minutes. The procedure works very well for most people. However, you should be aware that you may not experience the improvement in your eyesight that you expect and you may need further treatment.

There are some risks associated with laser refractive surgery, including infection of your cornea and problems with the flap that is made in your cornea during certain types of laser eye surgery.

If you choose to have laser refractive surgery, it's important that you consider the benefits and risks of the operation before you go ahead. You should also make sure that it's carried out by a trained professional.

Intraocular lens insertion

In this operation, a surgeon inserts an artificial lens in front of your own lens. You will be given a local anaesthetic beforehand. The artificial lens allows light rays to focus on your retina rather than in front of it.

This is a new type of treatment and not much is known about the long-term side-effects. It's not always available and your surgeon will usually only suggest it if you have severe short-sightedness or are unable to wear glasses, for example if you have a disability.

Good luck!

Hope that helped!!

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contacts, glasses, laser eye surgery, take your pick.

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