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He performed autopsies on corpses. (for those of you who dont know autopsies are when you operate on a body to inspect the insides.)ee also depicted the first image of a pregnant woman in Emrbyo and womb in 1510. In addition to that he created the stepping stones for modern inventions such as parachute, hellicopter, airplane, and armored tank.

please when ur posting something dont try to be funny, if u dont know what your talking about don't post.


Leonardo da vinci may have been the first artist to dissect bodies, and he most certainly was the first to draw a sketch of a fetis. He drew the first designs of parachutes, armored tanks, helicopters, robots, cars, and solar panels, and he discovered the effect of the moon on the tides, the movement of the eye, and the circulation of blood. One of the reasons he was so successful in art was because he used his knowledge of the sciences to draw accurate figures.

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Q: How did Leonardo da Vinci influence the field of science?
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