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Okonkwo was famous because as a wrestler, at the age of 18, he defeated another wrestler known as the Amalinze the Cat, whom had never landed on his back and was undefeated for seven years. Okonkwo was then declared the best wrestler in all of the villages, and made a hero of his village.

Okonkwo also gained fame as a hard worker and a fierce warrior, who had killed 5 other men in wars.

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6y ago

Okonkwo began his prosperous career in a very bad farming season. Despite being able to secure 400 seed yams from his friend, and 800 seed yams from Nwakibie, his first harvest did not succeed. With his first planting of yams, the rains would not come so the tubers wilted under the sun. With the second planting that year, the rains would not stop, so the yams rotted and did not fully grow. Other men even hanged themselves in despair.

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13y ago

Through hard work in farming Okonkwo becomes very successful.

Further he does not have patience with unsuccessful men including his father.

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10y ago

Okonkwo makes a living primarily through farming.

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12y ago

at a young age he started farming because he didn't want to be a failure like his father.

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Okonkwo wrestled. Okonkwo fought in wars.

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Obierika proves himself to be a good friend to Okonkwo in this chapter by visiting him in exile, bringing him money from the sale of Okonkwo's yams, and offering him support and encouragement during his time of need. He shows loyalty and empathy towards Okonkwo, demonstrating the strength of their friendship.

What is the birth name of Kenneth Okonkwo?

Kenneth Okonkwo's birth name is Kenneth Arinzechukwu Okonkwo.

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Okonkwo of this time is a notable footballer. Okonkwo from Things Fall Apart is a farmer.

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Because it is his son's duty. Okonkwo is the master of the house.

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Daniel Okonkwo was born in 1975.

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Okonkwo's best friend is Obierika.

When was Daniel Okonkwo born?

Kenneth Okonkwo was born in Enugu State, in Nigeria.