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You click the wall thingy on weapon selection and use your mouse to position it. Press space bar to build.

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Q: How do you build a wall on territory war?
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Why do you think the great wall of China was in China?

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yes there r many names in the war for example sombody in my school is chinese and she helped build the great wall of china

Why china want to build the great wall?

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When did they build the great wall?

They build the Great wall in the 3rd century BC.

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Back then there were war so the king of China decide to make a wall to block the people from attacking the kingdom it taken very long for them to build the wall and the wall is what we call the great wall.

Why is Great Wall of China attracted?

The Great Wall of china is attracted because it represents about how the king of china build it so that when they were gonna be attacked the wall would stop them so that they would get read for war

How much plaster mix are needed to build a wall of 1 sq meter?

You can not build a wall out of plaster, you need bricks/blocks/stone and cement to build a wall.

When does the great wall was build?

It was build 7thcentury BC

How the great wall was build?

It was build by Chinese slaves!

How do you build a wall?

with bricks