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You can't, at the start you use a wooden sword, and the default keyblade is always Kingdom Key.

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Q: How do you choose a weapon in the beginning of kingdom hearts?
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You have to mix all the items, then you would get the Ultima Weapon recipe.

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You have to mix all of the items and then you'll get the Ultima Weapon recipe.

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It's all based upon what weapon you choose in the beginning when you're playing Roxas. If you chose the sword, you'll get it at level 65. If you chose the shield, you'll get it at level 85. If you chose the staff, you'll get it at level 49.

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If you mean the ultimate weapon, you get it by synthesizing specific items you get from noobodies, heartless and mushrooms throughout the game in both kingdom hearts 2 and kingdom hearts 1 (but not from noobodies because they don't exhist in that game). To find out what specific enemies you have to fight in order to get the ingrediants, go to and type in Kingdom hearts 1 or 2. Then look on the list of cheats for it.

How do get the ultima weapon on Kingdom Hearts 2?

through a synthesis at a moogle store.

How do you make a ultima weapon in kingdom hearts 1?

You'll have to mix all the items then you'll get the Ultima Weapon recipe.

How do you get the master weapon in Kingdom Hearts 1?

There is no weapon called the Master Weapon in Kingdom Hearts. There is an Ultima Weapon though. You need to synthesize everything else, then get 5 Thunder Gems, 5 Lucid Gems, 5 Power Gems, 3 Mystery Goo and 3 Gale. Then, go talk to the Moogle.

Where is the stuff for the ultimate keablade in Kingdom Hearts?

In Kingdom Hearts II you find the recipe for the Ultimate Weapon in a chest in Twighlight Town by the pods where Donald and Goofy were sleeping.