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Nobody can tell you what to write - you must write what is in your own heart and mind. Copying what someone else has written leads to dull, boring writing that is not going to help you learn how to write better.

What are your emotions about the sea? What do you think about when you think of the sea? How would you describe the sea?

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12y ago
Poetry Writing-Help and Inspirataion for writing about Luna, the moonMy sugguestion is look at pieces from these poets: Robert Frost and Walt Whitman. They spoke about nature in their poetry in a beatuiful way.

Another great thing that I would do if this was my task was look at the role of the moon in ancient cultures. Generally speaking the moon and the stars and the planets had a huge part in ancient society and culture. People at that time used Astrology as a way to rule their lives. Some ancient peoples worshipped the planets and the moon. You can look at more modern history like landings on the moon.

  • One way to look at ancient cultures is to search online.
  • Try to get a sense of what the people thought of the moon and how it played a role in tehir lives.
  • Nastrodameous, the prophet as some see him, used astrology in part of his ritual for making his predictions.
  • Think of the beaty andf the mystery asscoiated with the moon.
  • Some people have a round moon face. There is also a food called monn pie that the Americans eat. Think of the "man on the moon" how the craters on the moon kind of look like a man's face.

Here is a mmon poem that I came up with now, if it is of any help i hope it is at least.

Luna, I look out my window thruough the darkness and gaunt night/I look for you my only light/The icy winds and clouds are a dark nightime hue/the loniless inside of me makes me feel blue/for centuries the captivation was all centured around you/Luna what is it like up there all alone, with a flag panted on your soil, what do you think of upon seing the earth? What is it like up there where there is no wind, atmosphere, or life? Are you ev er lonely dear Luna/ You look down upon our land and orbit 'round us. Wheter waxing or waning you shine throu you shine on us, You are a mirror shine upon the looking glass/oh Luna how you must have felt when man first set foot on you, Remember us and remember me as a crawl into bed anxious to see you outside my window tomorrow night.

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14y ago

The moon is a satellite that orbits the Earth.

It is made of rock and dust. There are traces of some other elements too. It has many craters as well.

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The moon has no atmosphere

How can you describe the moon?

my answer is moon like your face it shape your face's like moon

What nouns describe the moon?

Nouns do not describe; adjectives are the describing words for nouns. The word moon is a noun, some adjectives that describe the moon are: bright, cool, round, full, half, new, crescent, or autumn.

What words describe a new moon?

when the moon is beetween the earth and sun

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Highland- Light area on the moon Maria- Dark area on the moon

How would you describe the shapes of the moon?

A circle.

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Does a small planet that orbits earth describe the moon?

No. This description does not quite work becomes the moon is not a planet; it is a moon.

How would you describe the visual appearance of planet Earth from the moon?

Right from moon? It appears as if a moon but big in size.

What is the name used to describe the side of the moon that is not visible?

Typically, the Dark Side of the Moon

A word to describe the thin phase of the moon?


What are two adjectives to describe moon?

Darkened, bright