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Q: How do you get paint off a PVC bag?
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How do you paint on PVC canvas?

In order to paint on PVC canvas you must prep the canvas by gently sanding some of the pvc coating off with a medium grit sandpaper. This will allow the paint to adhere to the PVC. Wipe the canvas clean and allow to dry before priming it. Once the primer is dry you can use acrylic paints to create your master piece.

How do you remove paint stains from PVC furniture?

oil thinner

Do drake fluid take off cars paint?

um its Brake Fluid dooosh bag and yes it does

How can you get PVC off copper cable?

You can use a wire stripper or just a simp le kitchen knife. Score the PVC all around with the kitchen knife and pull the PVC off.

How do you remove timber stain on PVC spouting?

use paint thinner or white spirits

Does nail polish have alchol in it?

Yes, it should be because there is a trick if you can't paint your nails, you can paint on a plastic bag, peel it off and stick it on your nail!

How do you get PVC glue off concrete?

you have to sand blast it off

Will PVC pipes burst if water off?


What can be used to stain PVC?

Lacquer paint (works best if you sand it first with a fine-grain sandpaper).

How do you get nail polish off a bag?

If it doesn't have a coloring, put nail eraser on tissue or cotton balls, and rub... If it does have coloring, just use water or get the exact same or close to coloring to the bag's color and paint it over it

Is melting a PVC pipe toxic?

It's possible that some toxic compounds could be released when PVC is melted. Toxic compounds will definitely be given off when PVC is burned.

Where is PVC valve on 1998 cavalier?

it is a hose on the engine, close to the brake fluid. screw the hose off, then you can pull PVC out.