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A wart is caused by a virus and grows rather quickly (months) and there are many medications by prescription or over-the-counter that can be effective. Since it's on your FACE, I'd see a DR...Dermatologist. If it has been growing for YEARS it is probably a SKIN TAG and can be removed in a doctors office. See a healthcare professional to reduce the chance of scarring.

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13y ago

Several treatments exist for Warts. Most warts are viral and, outside of STD, several treatment options are:

  • Surgical (Cutting a wart from the body)
  • Acid Based (Common Wart Remover, pads, etc.)
  • Freezing (Commonly used for planter warts using liquid nitrogen)
  • Duct Tape (The adhesive compound functions similar to the acid based solutions.)
  • Medication (Not common and for specific scenarios)

While Duct Tape is hit and miss currently the most consistent way to remove a wart is surgical by a doctor or freezing. The Acid based solutions such as Doctor Scholls pads are effective if used properly but are limited in their use based on the location of the wart. The key is getting the root of the wart. Any part of the wart if left may regrow. (I've had a wart on my middle finger for 15 years and tried Scholls twice to remove it. A quick trip to the doctor and a some liquid nitrogen killed it off permanently.)

Depending on the nature of the wart a trip to the doctor or a day clinic with a nurse is reccomended before pursuing a treatment.

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13y ago

A common home remedy that has always worked for me is to wear a piece of duct tape over the wart for 24-48 hours, remove the duct tape, wash the wart and file it with a nail file. Then repeat the process until the wart is completely gone. This process works because the adhesive in duct tape contains compounds similar to those found in over-the-counter wart removal products. if all else fails, see a doctor and they can freeze them off.

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12y ago

My 8 years old son's face was covered with flat warts. After 2 years of unsuccessful doctor treatments (in Canada) - he burned these warts with liquid Nitrogen, I heard about Tea tree oil. I just applied this oil on his face for 5 consecutive days (after washing his face with soap) and they completely disappeared!

I went back to the doctor to tell him about this amazing product but he didn't care!

Guess why?

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13y ago

Okay first u get icyhot

second why do u have warts on your face.

third put icy hot on balls

Fourth Scream like a girl

Fifth Get a knife

Sixth Stabb your self cuz your ugly now

Seven DIE

Eight Let mr. hoover rape u

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Q: How do you get rid of a flat wart on your face?
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Can I get common wart on my face?

Yes, warts are caused by a virus. If that virus infects the skin on your face then that is where you will get a wart.

How many warts do I have on your face?

Your wart is your face!

Is it ok to put White-out on a wart Will it get rid of the wart?

No! Never put any un-prescriptive things on the wart. This only makes the wart worse. SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN GET RID OF A WART: Peeing on them, freezing them, beetle-juice, or even getting them cut off. After-wards put duct-tape on the wart, it helps it die alone. Ask your doctor for help to get the wart off. DO NOT CUT THE WART YOURSELF!! This would cause a tumor in the foot or arm.

How do you get rid of a wart on you face?

My 8 years old son's face was covered with flat warts. After 2 years of unsuccessful doctor treatments (in Canada) - he burned these warts with liquid Nitrogen, I heard about Tea tree oil. I just applied this oil on his face for 5 consecutive days (after washing his face with soap) and they completely disappeared! I went back to the doctor to tell him about this amazing product but he didn't care! Guess why?

What would happen if you burnt a hand wart with a match?

It would hurt, you'd probably get a blister, but you are unlikely to get rid of the wart.

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What is Aston merrygold's first cruch called?

His first crush in high school was a girl named Emma. Emma was a lovely girl until a wart came onto her face, then Aston stopped liking her. Then she had about 10 plastic surgery's in one day to get rid of the wart. Then after plastic surgery the doctors said it did not come off so she was left with a wart a ugly face. So there fans you have it Aston first crush. xXx

Where was Abraham Lincoln's wart?

Abraham Lincoln had a wart on the left side of his face. On the upper lip area!

Why does your pitbull puppy have a wart on her face?

This is a rare but it doesn't mean the puppy has a condition. For the reason of the wart, consult your veterinarian.

How do you get rid of a wart and ringworm in armpit?

See a doctor. You'll almost certainly need to see one for the ringworm anyway, and they can have a look at the wart at the same time.

How do you remove worts on face?

The skin on your face is very sensitive and scars easily, so any wart removal needs to be done by a physician. The wart can either be 'frozen' or 'burnt' off by a doctor.