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Here are some proven techniques to stop a panic attack:

  • Breathe! Deep breathing floods your brain with oxygen and calms you down. It is physically impossible to panic when you are breathing deeply because of this fact.
  • Talk yourself down. Instead of focusing on your anxiety, make yourself think calm thoughts. "This is just anxiety and it will pass" is a good one. "I can choose not to panic" is another one.
  • Learn relaxation techniques. The better you handle your stress, the less panic you will have. Any form of meditation will help you learn to relax.
  • Reframe. When you have an anxious thought, change it around into a positive, healthy thought instead. If you think "I'll never be able to do this," change that into "REALISTICALLY, I might not do a fantastic job at this, but I can do it if I try." The word REALISTICALLY is an important one - the more logical you can be, the more sense it makes and the more easily your brain can change a negative thought into a positive one.
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You need to consult the psychologist or the psychiatrist. He will definitely help you out of the problem.

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What is the medical term meaning anxiety attack?

Anxiety (uneasy, troubled mind) or panic (fear/terror) attack is the term most used in psychiatric healthcare. There is GAD which means Generalized Anxiety Disorder characterized by chronic worry (neurosis), extreme tension, nervousness, edginess and sleep problems. An anxiety attack is an acute, psychobiologic (psych = mind + bio = life + log = study + ic = pertaining to) reaction manifested by intense anxiety and panic.

Is a 94bpm resting heart rate dangerous if you have anxiety?

No, an anxiety attack will never kill or harm you in anyway, unless you have a pre-existing condition.

How does pain affect your heart rate?

Anxiety attacks does not cause heart attacks in normal heart. The anxiety may cause heart attack in previously compromised heart. You can have heart attack, if you are a patient of severe angina pectoris.

Can a heart attack be caused by fright?

A heart attack is when an artery gets clogged and stops the blood. This clog is normally like a bathroom sink that takes awhile before it gets completely clogged. Many many different things can cause the clog and/or help it get clogged quicker. If an artery is almost clogged, a simple thing like an anxiety attack could rise the blood pressure just enough to complete the clog. So, YES it can, but it's NOT the main cause of the heart attack.

What does fast heart beat and shortness of breath mean?

It can be from anxiety, over exertion, heart disease, and high blood pressure, among other causes. If you are having any chest pain, pain down the left arm, or a tightness or squeezing sensation in your chest, or nausea, call you doctor immediately. This could be signs of a heart attack. If you are not having any other symptoms, but the shortness of breath and rapid heart beat persists, you should call your doctor just to be on the safe side. It's always better to err on the side of caution.

Related questions

Can deep breathing calm down a anxiety panic attack?

Since a symptom of an anxiety attack is hyperventilation, as long as the breaths are slow, deep, controlled breathing it can help reduce an anxiety attack.

Can you have an anxiety attack?


How can you spot and treat anxiety attacks?

Many things can bring on anxiety attacks in a persons life, mainly chronic stress. The key to beating them is to "break the cycle". Natural techniques include support groups, medication and breathing techniques to stop the attack before it progresses. For more information visit

Can you get an anxiety attack from stress?


What is a term used for a nervous fit?

Panic Attack. Anxiety Attack.

Can your driving be impaired by anxiety?

It could be, if your mind was not fully on your driving or if you got an anxiety attack.

Anxiety attacks are often mistaken for what?

Many people who think they're having a heart attack are actually having an anxiety attack or heartburn.

What is a Reason for running late the start with the letter A?

There were Airport Delays. I had an Allergy Attack. I had an Anxiety Attack.

What are signs of an anxiety attack?

The signs of an anxiety attack can differ from person to person. Some of the usual signs can include, rapid pulse rate, fainting, hyperventilation, nausea and tremors.

What causes anxiety attacks with loss of sleep and loss of appetite?

Many things can cause an anxiety attack. Something you fear happening that you may have no control over will be something that causes an anxiety attack along with lack of sleep and the inability to eat.

Can anxiety be a reason for the doctor to stop you driving?

It depends on your level of anxiety, but in general yes

How is behavior affected by an anxiety attack?

increases disorganization and ineffectiveness