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A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis).

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Q: How does an abnormal myelogram read?
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Related questions

What abnormal resutls can a myelogram give?

A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal

Medical term for record of spinal cord?

An x-ray record of the spinal cord is called myelogram or myelography.

What is the x-ray of the spinal cord called?

myelogram, but being replaced by CT scan and MRI's

X-ray record of the spinal cord?

eletromyogram; myelogram

How long does a myelogram last?

A myelogram takes approximately 30-60 minutes

Why is a myelogram used?

The purpose of a myelogram is to evaluate the spinal cord and/or nerve roots for suspected compression

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What will the myelogram show?

A normal myelogram would show a spinal canal of normal width, with no areas of constriction or obstruction

Record of the spinal cord?

The medical term for a record of the spinal cord is myelogram. Though very accurate, taking a myelogram is associated with risks mostly due to exposure to X-rays.

How does a normal myelogram read?

A normal myelogram typically shows a smooth and uniform distribution of contrast dye within the spinal canal. There should be no blockages, leaks, or abnormalities in the flow of the dye, indicating a healthy spine and spinal cord. The radiologist will also look for any signs of compression on the nerves or spinal cord.

What is the definition of a myelogram?

The result of a radiographic examination.

Can I smoke before a myelogram?

Patients who smoke may be asked to stop the day before the test. This helps decrease the chance of nausea or headaches after the myelogram