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Erosion changes Earth's surface by moving and depositing weathered materials.

Erosion changes the earth's surface by providing a different landscape that reacts to natural occurrences. For example, as a river erodes the land below it, it becomes deeper and creates a river bank. If the river dries, this land would not return to its original state. Earth's surface is also susceptible to erosion by wind and glaciers.

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13y ago

Erosion will eventually change a rock's shape completely. Take the Grand Canyon for instance. Now if you're thinking it will eventually destroy the continents, erosion takes hundreds to thousands of years, so don't worry.

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15y ago

water erosion can affect earths surface by, making rivers wider. it can also make steep cliff sides it can also chip off a part of a rock

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14y ago

by the pressure forcing down on the lanfill and that causes erosion to the soil

i think !!!! just sayin

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How does gravity cause erosion?

The way gravity effect erosion is that the pressure of gravity pushes on the landfill

What types of erosion are affected by gravity?

Wind and water erosion are affected by gravity.

What is the effect of erosion by wind?

Wind erosion is the erosion of sediment by wind. This occurs when the lifting power of moving air is able to exceed the force of gravity.

Why is there no erosion on the moon?

Because there is No GRAVITY! Well... yes and no... Yes: Solar wind erodes the lunar surface but the effect is almost unnoticeable. No: The moon has no atmosphere so there's no weather to cause 'typical' erosion. Because there isn't Gravity

How does erosion effect wind?

erosion doesn't effect wind, wind causes erosion

How is gravity differ from all other agents of erosion?

no erosion

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How can an erosion effect the ocean?

erosion can effect the ocean because when there is erosion the sand will effect the height or space of the beach or ocean

Is gravity a force of erosion?

Gravity is an agent of erosion... I'm not quite sure if it is erosion. In the science textbook I have right in front of me it says and I quote, "Gravity, running water, waves, wind and glaciers are all causes, or agents, of erosion. Although it says it's an agent of erosion it doesn't say it is erosion. An agent is a "cause" of something.

What are the different types of gravity erosion?

The types of erosion by gravity are: slump and creep Types of deposition by gravity: rock falls, rock slide, mud flow

What is the agent of erosion on cliffs?

The agent of erosion on cliffs mostly is gravity.