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It doesn't.

But velocity does effect mass :

as velocity increases, mass increases.

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Q: How does mass effect velocity?
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What would be the effect on the orbital velocity of satellite if mass of satellite is double?

Its mass won't affect the orbital velocity.

How does mass and velocity effect energy?

Subject that deals whit mass velocity energy

How does velocity effect momentum?

if velocity increases, so does momentum. and vice versa momentum = mass x velocity increasing mass or velocity or both will increase momentum

Do changes in velocity and mass have the same effect on kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is equal to one half the mass times the square of the velocity. Thus, changes in velocity and mass do not have the same effect on kinetic energy. If you increase the mass by a factor of 10 at the same velocity, you increase the kinetic energy by a factor of 10. However, if you increase the velocity by a factor of 10 at the same mass, you increase the kinetic energy by a factor of 100.

Which would have greater effect on kinetic energy of an object doubling the mass or doubling the velocity?

the velocity is decreased

What effect does mass have on kinetic energy?

Momentum = mass x velocity. Therefore, other things (velocity) being equal, momentum is directly proportional to the mass, i.e., more mass --> more momentum.

How mass affect the time?

Mass doesn't effect time, energy effects mass (proportional) and velocity effects time (not proportional).

Does mass or speed effect more on kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x velocity^2. Your answer should be velocity.

Is time constant throughout the universe?

no due to difference of mass. see effect of gravity/velocity on time

How do you determine mass using momentum and velocity?

Momentum = (mass) times (velocity)mass = (Momentum) divided by (velocity)

What is momentum divided by velocity?

Momentum = mass x velocity. If you divide out the velocity you get mass.

Does mass effect the velocity of a vehicle?

absolutely, it will mostly effect how quickly it will accelerate relative to its mass, and how quicky it will fall (descend hills) and how slowly it will stop, more mass = slower deceleration. Also a bigger mass will maintain the conservation of momentum more easily.