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the world has been affected by Leonardo DA Vince in many different ways. For example Leonardo contributed in everything we know today. without his knowledge we would not know very much. He also invented the scissors and the parachute. so you can See how he impacted the world and made it a better place!

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Three major impacts Leonardo had on our lives and world today is his hang glider, his paintings and his maps. Leonardo invented the first hang glider which was the first source of flight. His paintings, two very famous, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are seen on almost every continent and he changed the way people looked at art. Some people say that he based the Mona Lisa of himself and if you look at pictures you can see that his self portrait and the Mona Lisa are very similar, it's scary! Although it is

gross, he would take dead bodies and dissect them. After that, he would make maps of the human body. Now doctors, nurses and surgeons have maps of the human body in every room, all based on leonardo DaVinci's sketches! In my eyes he is the most successful person to ever live, and he only lived for 67 years! I hope this helps!

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