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Artemis is of the night (moon), Apollo of the light (sun), Apollo is male, Artemis is female, Apollo has had many lovers, Artemis is a virgin goddess, Apollo is a god of domesticated animals, Artemis is a goddess of the wild, Apollo is a god of oracles and music, Artemis protects the infant at birth and young girls.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Diana was a Roman goddess of virginity and wild lands.

Venus was her Roman opposite, a goddess of sexual love.

Artemis is the earlier Greek goddess of virginity, wilderness, and hunting, as well as connected with the moon and lakes. Her equivalent in Roman myth is Diana.

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13y ago

Yes, Diana is the Roman counterpart of the Greek goddess of Artemis. I know this because we are studying this in peak okay i just need four more facts about this if you have any trustful answers about her then please send them to me now not later if you are reading this...

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6y ago

Yes. Artemis is the Greek goddess and Diana is the Roman counterpart. Artemis and Diana are both the goddess of the Hunt, virgins, the moon, and wildlife.

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10y ago

They are both goddessess and part of the major twelve/Dii Consentes KEEP CALM AND ADORE THE BIEBS SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU HATING ON A BOY WHOS DREAMS CAME TRUE! <3

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Artemis and Apollo are the same because their twins.

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Artemis and Apollo are twins. They are the children of Zeus and Leto.

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The mother of Apollo and Artemis was Leto. Their father was Zeus.

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Was Artemis the twin sister of Apollo.

How many seconds between the birth of Artemis and Apollo?

It is said that Apollo came immediatly after Artemis.

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Was Artemis or Athena Apollo's twin?

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