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They are similar in size, anatomy, and function. They both have four chambers and four valves, which is why it is sometimes used for a heart transplant

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Q: How is a pigs heart similar to human heart?
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Why are pigs used to study the human?

Many of the pigs' organs are similar to their human counterparts, especially the heart. They are the closest we can do with out using real humans.

How do you contrast pigs heart from humans heart?

Pigs hearts and human heart are extremely similiar, in fact so similar that scientists have deterimined that if a donor heart could not be found for a human, after taking anti-rejection drugs, a pigs heart could be used. Pigs heart weighs roughly the same as a human heart. Religious fanatics stand between science discovery and actual use of swine hearts in human surgery.

Is the cow and human heart the same?

They have things in common because they do a similar job but they are not the same. The nearest comparison to our own heart is the pigs heart.

HOW are pigs like human?

Pigs are very intelligent (and I daresay they are smarter than some humans). They have similar insides to us also. ANSWER II:Pigs are very similar to humans in many anatomical ways. Many vaccines and drug testings are performed on pigs prior to a human test group because our systems are similar. In addition, a human heart can be replaced with a pig heart if someone is in need of a transplant.

Which animal heart is most like a human heart?

Dogs have the largest hearts compared to the size of the rest of their bodies. This applies to all breeds of dogs.

How are pigs and humans different?

Pig digestive tracts and nutritional needs are very similar to humans. Pigs also have hearts that are similar in size and makeup to the human heart. Pig heart valves are used to replace defective human heart valves.

Are otter hearts and human hearts similar?

the human heart is samuliar to a pig heart

Why are fetal pigs good specimens to dissect?

Because pigs have similar systems to humans, making pigs easier to learn the functionality of human anatomy.

Why does the pigs heart require its own circulation system?

i think its the same as a human

Which farm animals heart valves can be used to replace human valves?


Can pigs heart the same as humans heart?

no because animals are the same with human and animals don't have life/spirit.

Why use the pig's heart in dissecting?

probably because the "pigs" or "calf" heart is almost like the humans heart so they use heart almost or close to the human heart or maybe because the assignment says to use that specific heart "what I know from past studies is that the pig and calf is the same or almost exactly how the human heart is" hope that answered your question