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Any inhalant can cause your heart to have irregular rhythm or stop and it destroys brain cells that do not come back. You will get stupid after a while. Can't tie your shoes stupid.

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Q: How is sniffing paint thinners dangerous?
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Why is sniffing glue so addictive?

Sniffing glue and paint is extremely dangerous, it can cause brain damage and is addictive, never sniff glue especially pritt sticks.

How is glue sniffing dangerous?

Any kind of deep breath inhaleing of a substance such as, paint ,glue, sharpie, etc if inhaled deep enough could kill you instanly.

What type of containers can be used for paint thinner?

All paint thinners comes in appropriate containers.

Are paint thinners flammable?

Yes the paint thinner and the gases it gives off are both flammable.

Why is huffing so dangerous?

Sniffing paint and glue damages brain cells, and often the ones needed for breathing and staying conscious. Also, the substances used are flammable too.

Is it ok to use standard thinners on a car to clean water-based paint from the clear coat?

Absolutly not. If it's a water based paint just use water. Thinners will destroy the clear coat and expose the paint to other forms of damage

Is paint stripper going to be banned?

depends if people stop sniffing it

How do you get oil based paint off vinyl?

Rub it with some thinners on a rag.

Why is paint thinner so expensive?

Most paint thinners are a petrochemical so the price is related to the price of a barrel of oil.

Is sniffing sharpes worth the high?

NO! Do not huff markers! It is extremely dangerous!

How do you get silicone out of clothes?

Xylene, Toluene, paint thinners etc. Not soluble in alcohol or water.

What is the correct mixture ratio paint to thinners and clear to thinners?

depends on what paint your using. acrylic is upto 50% paint to 50% thinners (same with acrylic clear) and two pack (2k) also depends on what you've got. MS (medium solids) clear or solid colour (not metallic) is 3:1 (3 parts paint : 1 part hardener) and high solids 4:1. hope this helps!?!?!? Basically if it has a hardener then it is two pack (2k) enjoy! :)