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because the hydrogen bonds in water will readily detach themselves from the oxygen molecules to form stronger bonds with other said molecules.

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Q: How is water capable of dissolving gasses and nutrients?
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Is the process of dissolving important process in nature?

Yes. Dissolving nutrients in water makes the nutrients much more available to biological organisms and can also help move those nutrients between areas.

What is most chemical weathering caused by?

The acids in water that come form decaying organic matter or dissolving atmospheric gasses.

How can you define solvent?

It is a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances. For example: water, vinegar, juices etc.

A substance capable of dissolving freely in water is?

Hydrophillic and water soluble.Hydrophilic

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You can't tell just from the temp - cool water is capable of dissolving more oxygen ... but that doesn't mean that it will (or does).

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Water. Because it has the ability to dissolve other substances.The universal solvent is water. Water is capable of dissolving more entities than any other liquid.

Is dissolving in water a chemical change?

Dissolving in water is a physical change.

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Dissolving in water is a physical change.

What does solvent mean in chemistry?

A solvent is any substance, usually liquid, which is capable of dissolving one or several substances, thus creating a solutionOne of the most common examples of solvents is water, which is generally used for dissolving polar molecules

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Dissolving what?Water is a pretty common solvent.

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The lipid bilayer prevents the cell from dissolving in water.